Corporate events in nature

Large events by combining Hotel Savoy & Soyka

  • 63 rooms with 148 beds

  • Shared conference facilities

  • Distance between hotels 25 metres

  • Themed restaurants and bars

Please contact our event specialist Hana Koštýřová by email:, or by phone: +420 737 912 903.

What a corporate event in the Špindlerův mlýn can look like

"We had high expectations, but this totally exceeded them"

Hello, Iveta and Peter,
Let us thank you and your team with Terka and the whole marketing team in writing for a wonderful two days of teambulding in your hotel. We fear you have set the bar so high for all future corporate events that it will be hard to surpass. I guess we will have to come back regularly! 
I would love to write some constructive feedback but I can only praise - everything from the communication to the accommodation, spa, food, bar, recommended band and experience agency was absolutely perfect. Colleagues often used the phrase: We had high expectations, but this totally exceeded them.
Thank you also for the weather :-) And the fact that the whole team came to wave us off at the bus on departure - that was the talk of the office for the rest of the working day! 
Iveta, Petra, thank you again and we wish you a great start of the main season! 
Helča and Terka for Marketing

"The atmosphere in the off-season is beautifully peaceful"

Hello, Iveta, 
I'd like to thank you for your helpfulness, everything was well prepared, the food was excellent and the atmosphere was beautifully peaceful in the off-season.
I, on the other hand, would like to wish you a stormy season, full of pleasant guests and that everything goes as you wish.
P.S.: I almost forgot to praise the service, the helpfulness, the art of conversation, everything perfect. 
Thank you again. 
Sincerely, Simona A. Financial Director

"Moc si chválil milý personál"

Dobrý den, Iveto, 
všichni se vrátili nadšení. Pan ředitel byl moc spokojený. Moc si chválil milý personál :)
Koncem ledna k Vám někteří, včetně pana ředitele, jednou znovu, tentokrát na incentivní akci s partnerskou společností.
Moc děkuji za vše a věřím, že toto nebyla naše poslední návštěva. 
S pozdravem, Alena K. PA to GM

"Much praised by the friendly staff"

Hello, Iveta, 
everyone came back thrilled. The director was very pleased. He was very complimentary of the friendly staff :)
At the end of January, some, including Mr. Director, came to you once again, this time for an incentive event with a partner company.
Thank you very much for everything and I believe this was not our last visit. 
Sincerely, Alena K. PA to GM

"I received positive feedback"

Hello, Mrs. Vosahlik, 
I always try to give feedback to the hotel after every event because I know from my own position that it is always very valuable.
I would like to thank you for your excellent cooperation. Your hotel is very pleasant and I would especially like to praise the staff who were incredibly helpful and kind, which unfortunately is not the rule in a hotel of your type.
The drinks in the bar were really great and it is obvious that your bartender really knows his stuff. The cuisine was also of a very high standard and I received positive feedback from all the staff via a survey I sent out to them.
I wish you a good day and hope we will have a chance to come back to you again soon e.g. with our customers.
Sincerely, Kateřina K. Marketing Manager